格好をつけてるが、ろくでもないやつです。 ![]() 現在、法律学校客員講師&舞台芸人 《略 歴》 《著 書》 《レコード》CDではありません 《講演会》 《出演劇場》 NHK、その他の民放。民放では民法を語る、なんて。しょうがないねえ。 Welcome foreigners whom I met somewhere. Im a comedian.prove it. 9/11 is special happy event to some one in USA. Some of them got a nice military job in Iraq. Truly speaking,I m a law school teache r and comedian. so,I will tell you how to get no guilty when you hitted and ran a man by car? Answer is Dont run away, go back the place where you ran over and run over again again. THE dead body was beried in the ground. THERE is no evidence. YOU get no guilty. I copied sexy photo with zerox and reflex When I was young I told to my girl friend [suck my dick] she shaked her head and said [I quit smoking] or Email:umesuke@softbank.ne.jp |